Gas Turbine Inlet Cooling Systems (GTIC)

Why Cool Turbine Inlet Air?

The primary reason turbine inlet air is cooled is to reduce or prevent the often significant loss of power output (compared to the rated capacity) of combustion turbines when ambient air temperature is high. TIC can even help to enhance CT output above its rated capacity. TIC is applicable to all combustion turbines (CTs), whether operating in simple-cycle, cogeneration, or combined-cycle systems.

Why us?

 At QEG we have developed GTIC systems that:

  1. Utilises the most energy-efficient equipment available in the market place thus reducing parasitic power, further improving power output
  2. Incorporate inherent efficiency with increased reliability
  3. Modular packaged design improving build cost, lead-time and Quality Assurance
  4. Reduced footprint
  5. Reduced maintenance activities and associated costs
  6. Are remotely monitored